

Mandatory masks in the workplace, compulsory vaccination and wage demands: intense, even heated discussions characterised the coronavirus era
In the meantime, the courts in Switzerland have handed down a number of labour law rulings, providing clarity on fundamental issues.
What was allowed and what was not?
In the latest episode of “Labour Law Inside”, we talk about the most important and exciting rulings. We focus in particular on the following topics:

1. Working despite corona symptoms
2. Enforcement of the mask requirement
3. Compulsory vaccination
4. Wage issues due to corona

Click here for the podcast by Prof Dr Roger Rudolph from the University of Zurich


New Partner

Simon Hampl is a new partner of Streiff von Kaenel AG. We warmly congratulate!

Baurecht für die Praxis

Bestellung via
Verkaufspreise Skript Fr. 75.00
E-Book Fr. 56.00
Skript/E-Book Fr. 90.00 zuzüglich Verpackung/Versand Fr. 10.50

New Partner

Daniel Werder is a new partner of Streiff von Kaenel AG. We warmly congratulate!


«FUNKTIONALE WARTUNGSVERTRÄGE SIND OPTIMALER» Frau Dr. iur. Annette Lenzlinger im HAUSmagazin 02/2023

HAUSmagazin Brennpunkt Haustechnik.pdf

Adrian von Kaenel mit Festschrift gewürdigt

In November 2022, Adrian von Kaenel celebrated his 65th birthday. On this occasion, a commemorative publication was dedicated to him in order to honor his extraordinary services to science, teaching and practice. Adrian von Kaenel has enjoyed an excellent reputation as an independent practicing lawyer for decades and has set standards with many scientific publications, lectures and countless professional presentations.


Eine Sammlung kommentierter Vertragsmuster für die Praxis

5. Auflage Zürich 2021

Fact sheets

We have compiled a number of fact sheets from our field of activity for you.
These sheets cannot replace a comprehensive consultation with us.

  1. Bauvorhaben auf dem Nachbargrundstück
  2. Bauhandwerker-Pfandrecht
  3. Kauf von Wohneigentum
  4. Stockwerkeigentum – das Wichtigste
  5. Dienstbarkeiten
  6. Quartierplan

Der öffentlich-rechtliche Gesamtarbeitsvertrag

Der öffentlich-rechtliche Arbeitsvertrag
Lukasz Grebski

Update Service


Arbeitsvertrag, Praxiskommentar zu Art. 319-362 OR, Auflage Zürich/Basel/Genf 2012, Adrian von Kaenel / Roger Rudolph

Elektronischer Update-Service zum Praxiskommentar

Richterliche Rechtsfindung im Arbeitsrecht

Roger Rudolph


Podcast “Arbeitsrecht Inside”

Labour disputes are of great importance in the legal practice. They regularly occupy top positions both in court and on the agenda of legal information centres or legal expenses insurers. This development is accelerated by technological progress and digitalisation, which raise completely new labour law issues. The podcast “Labour Law Inside” follows this process by reflecting current and relevant issues in journalistic style in discussion with Professor Roger Rudolph.

Podcast “Arbeitsrecht Inside”

Listen on Spotify