On January 9, 2025, attorney Daniel Werder will explain the legal framework for internal investigations, summarize the current case law and show the importance of fairness rules in practice.
On January 9, 2025, attorney Daniel Werder will explain the legal framework for internal investigations, summarize the current case law and show the importance of fairness rules in practice.
If a company discovers a grievance in the company, e.g. harassment or corruption, it can carry out an “internal investigation”. But what exactly is this and how is it legally implemented?
We answer the following questions, among others:
📌 Duty of the accused employee to participate and testify: what applies?
📌 Involvement of lawyers in the interview: Permitted? Who pays?
📌 What employment law sanctions does the accused employee face?
In the latest episode of “Employment Law Inside”, we draw attention to stumbling blocks in internal investigations and assess the admissibility of measures from an employment law perspective.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
The book is primarily intended for practitioners, i.e. building authorities and employees of building authorities, architects and other people interested in construction who are looking for answers to basic questions as well as an overview of the legal regulations. Legislation, case law and literature up to November 2023 (in some cases up to March 2024) have been taken into account.
Christoph Fritzsche, Peter Bösch, Thomas Wipf, Daniel Kunz (ed.)
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Labour disputes are of great importance in the legal practice. They regularly occupy top positions both in court and on the agenda of legal information centres or legal expenses insurers. This development is accelerated by technological progress and digitalisation, which raise completely new labour law issues. The podcast “Labour Law Inside” follows this process by reflecting current and relevant issues in journalistic style in discussion with Professor Roger Rudolph.
7th edition
Employment contract, practical commentary on Art. 319-362 CO, edition Zurich/Basel/Geneva 2012, Adrian von Kaenel / Roger Rudolph
The public law employment contract
Lukasz Grebski
We have compiled a number of fact sheets from our field of activity for you.
These sheets cannot replace a comprehensive consultation with us.
A collection of annotated sample contracts for practical use
In November 2022, Adrian von Kaenel celebrated his 65th birthday. On this occasion, a commemorative publication was dedicated to him in order to honor his extraordinary services to science, teaching and practice. Adrian von Kaenel has enjoyed an excellent reputation as an independent practicing lawyer for decades and has set standards with many scientific publications, lectures and countless professional presentations.
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