Construction and real estate law
Contract for work and services law
Counselling and representation for drafting and concluding contracts for work and services.
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Planning contracts
Counselling and representation of architects, engineers, general and specialist planners as well as developers on matters concerning the contractual basis, copyrights, technical norms, etc.
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Property law
Counselling and representation on matters concerning condominiums, easement agreements, neighbor disputes, registration or defense against building contractor’s lien.
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Provisions on leases and right to buy
Counselling and representation in real estate transactions, the drafting of leases or usufructuary leases as well as in disputes regarding tenancy laws (i.e. terminations of leases, evictions, challenge of rents).
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Public construction law
Counselling and representation in approval procedures, planning law procedures and environmental law matters.
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Public procurement law
Counselling and representation of contracting authorities and providers in the public and private tendering process.
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Fact sheets
We have compiled a number of fact sheets from our field of activity for you. These sheets cannot replace a comprehensive consultation with us.
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